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Eve of Christ the King…!
How would I tell
what was printed into my soul
on this unforgettable day,
of nineteen fifty nine
when I was dying of sorrow
while my Jesus sorrowing
in such deep agony,
that my lacerated soul,
without knowing what was happening,
broke into deep sobs;
and prostrate on my knees,
reverent and adoring,
I contemplated speechless
how God Himself cried,
while I gathered
the sorrowful weeping
that from His face was running down.

Today my soul immersed
in the palpitating
and severely sorrowful depth
of the God of the Eucharist,
has lived quietly
and in such exalted manner
the transcendent mystery
of Christ when He lived;
and, in a surprising way!
when, adoring, I saw
in the Master’s chest,
full of wisdom,
a sacrosanct mystery!
of such sovereignty!
that, no matter how much I might express it,
I could never proclaim it
as I contemplated it,
plunged in so much agony
when I saw my God prostrate
and who burst into tears.
Eve of Christ the King…!

Without knowing how it would be,
was printed into my soul in mourning,
because I in sorrows lived
by the so sorrowful trials
that in my living I contained,
what today I want to tell,
in love touched.

In a surprising way
I saw a field…! and there was in it
a small mound
of a reduced height,
that, suddenly, was left
printed into me, since it had,
at its side, a Man praying and sorrowful!
who His prayer repeated
with a clamour that left
my soul immersed
in such deep sorrows

as I would never say.            JesusFaldaMonte1

For leaning with His body
on the side of the hill
Jesus burst into tears!
because He could not stand upright;
and because, praying prostrate,
prayerfully prayed to the Father
for the men of this century,
since this century He lived.

His hands were joined
and directed to Heaven,
leaning on the mount
that my sorrow exposed,
with His body collapsed,
while His soul groaned.

I saw His face raised,
full of sovereignty!
His pained gaze
fading in the heights;
and simultaneously
along His divine cheeks
tears slid that soaked Him
while He was saying to the Father::  Jesus en la falda delmonte.jpg

“Neither do they know You!”
Father, as You willed,
“nor do they know Me…!”;
being His soul plunged
in immense bitternesses,
because the world did not know
the reason for His sufferings,
nor the weeping that I saw
shrouded quietly
the God of the Eucharist.

“Neither do they know You!”
“nor Me!”
into my soul was printed.

I heard only these words…!
But then I well understood

all that into my chest was engraved;

since His mission I knew

through the communications
that He in my interior placed
throughout the years,
and I in silence lived!

Today I know now why this was
such as I saw it that day,
eve of Christ the King!

when my Jesus I saw
weeping in so many sufferings,
that His sobbing I felt
in the depth of my chest
with terrible agonies,
and, in a pain so bitter,
that submerged my soul
in the groan that the Christ
wanted to tell me that day,
and thus I would burst into songs
within the Church of mine.

How much, in no time, I understood
on that gloomy day,
even if it were luminous
for all that into me was printed…!!:

Jesus lived this
during all His life
at every and each moment
with His terrible agony!

full of deep sorrows
and in sad melancholy
in the years that He lived,
and in the passing of the days
which He chose to be
here in our company,
telling us His mission
in the ways that He could
as Man, being God,
when He wanted to give us His life
in transcendent mystery
of divine agony.

For power He can do everything,
He who is the Sovereignity;
coeternal with the Father,
in loves which culminate
in a Kiss of eternal love
who is such a Divine Person,
who, with the Father and the Son,
lives forever with the Family;
but, by His humanity,
dwelling inside in the life
which we mortals live,
God adapted every day,
in the way and the manner
which pleased Himself,
to our style of being:

He was a Man who existed
different, although He was equal,
from all those who lived with Him!

Eve of Christ the King…!

My soul shook
with romances of tendernesses
that, secretly, put
my spirit to burn in live coals,
for it saw my Christ
who complained crying:

the world knew not
either the Eternal Father or Him…!

And that is why a deep thorn
pierced His soul
in terrible agonies.

I saw, there, at that mount,
while trembling and surprised,
that from the face of Jesus
many tears fell…!

And I have seen that God wept…!
and that on His face He had

such a painful sorrow,
that His being shivered
for the sins of the world!

and that He died of sorrow,
even though it was not the moment
for Him to leave this life.

But He died in the soul!

because the Christ
of the blessed God dying lived
always and in all His days,
due to the so sorrowful sorrow
that in His existing He contained.

At every and each moment,
a Gethsemane He suffered!

I have seen that God wept…!

and down His face ran,
tears of the God, who became Man,
which said in themselves,
in a saying without words
that in sobs He repressed,
turned towards His Eternal Father:

the world knew not
the transcendent mystery
that He came to tell us
from the Bosom of that Father,
with whom He always lived
at the height of the Heavens
in divine company

–for being Himself the Majesty,
of exalted Sovereignty
of infinite transcendence–

for centuries that never end
and that never began…!

because there was no beginning
in which, being the Coeternal One,
He existed in His beginning,
without any other beginning than
He being Himself,
always being Itself such and been,
the Subsistence coeternal
and received from the Father.

Eve of Christ the King…!
How much God suffered…!

I saw that God on Earth
through Christ said Himself to us
in a crying so sorrowful
that burst into tears
down that divine face.

Tears that printed themselves
within the deep depth
of my chest that was dying
when it saw that my God was crying;
and that my poor soul, sorrowfully,
knew not how to figure out
the way it would console Him
in the course of time,
as the suffering of Christ
in mourning was unveiled
to me throughout His whole life;
living at every moment
in His soul plunged
in ineffable pains,
the passing of every
and each man’s life
who in the world would exist;
and whom, out of love
He would redeem, with His Blood:

all those who drank
out of the spring of life
that fell from the Bosom of the Father
over the earth
through the side of Christ,
affluent of life,
in torrential torrents
that from His chest flowed.

I have seen that God wept…!

And how I saw Him that day!

when thus I contemplated Him,
without knowing how it would be
that which I was seeing;
because, without seeing it, I saw
the Christ of the blessed God
who, in my way, told me
the love of the eternal God
who was dying for the sake of men.

But something surprised me
that I could not express it
no matter how hard I tried
throughout my days:

seeing that it was the twentieth century
for which Christ suffered…!

He lived all times
at the time that He lived:

But to me He presented Himself
with His pained soul
at a sublime moment
in which He suffered in His life
for the men of this century,
in the way that He had
to live each instant
that men would live
in the passing of time
which in Himself He contained.

And I, without being able to say
what, without seeing it, I saw…!

It is difficult to express,
that which I grasped,
when I contemplated, adoringly,
how my Jesus suffered,
prostrate at that mount
and throughout His life,
all my sorrows and joys,
keeping me united to Him,
living with me now
the time that I was living.

I knew that it was the twentieth century!

what plunged the Christ
in that deep suffering
of terrible agonies,
that even made Him burst,
due to all that He saw,
into such a sorrowful weeping
for there was no room for more sorrow,
although in the Word of Life
there is always room for more.

“Neither they know You, nor Me,”
Father…, God said.
And I without knowing the way
how I would console Him…!

Madre Trinidad de la Santa Madre Iglesia

        Poem: “Jesus at the side of the mount”. Collection “Light in the night -The mystery of faith given with loving wisdom”  Booklet n. 11

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