A piece of writing from Mother Trinidad de la Santa Madre Iglesia, from the 19th December, 1974. Title:


Christmas…! Mystery of unprecedented ten­derness… surprising donation of the infinite Love for man… powerful explanation of the Eternal Power, which is given to us in a divine and human spelling out in such a simple way as befits the most simple kingliness of the Being.

Christmas…! God who tells us in a loving spelling out and in the most unimaginable and incomprehensible infinite romance, all His life in Song, in glorious manifestation and in joy of sapiential wisdom…

O thought of God who, breaking into re­deeming will, gives Himself through His infinite Word to those whom He loves, in the affec­tionate lulling of the Kiss of His Mouth…!

Christmas…! Sapientially known amongst men, in adoring penetration, by Our Lady of Bethlehem who, in expectant contemplation, transcended as far as the chest of God Himself, gives birth to the world the infinite Light of the Eternal Wisdom, in a Child who, crying in Her arms, is the Son of God and Her Son…

The Infinite Word, by the transcendental mys­tery of the Incarnation, fulfilling the will of the Father, breaks into Word from the bosom of the Latter to the bosom of Mary by the caressing and loving lulling of the Holy Spirit. And He finds that the bosom of the Lady tastes to Him of Infinite Home, because all of it is a warm participation in the Father’s heart with the ten­derness and love of a Virgin-Mother…

And in the bosom of Mary, saturated with virginity, is realized the transcendent and en­thralling mystery of the Incarnation in the lov­ing poem of the infinite kiss of the Holy Spirit, who makes the Lady break, with the sacrosanct breeze of the smoothness of the passing of His flight, into divine Motherhood…

Mary, Virgin-Mother…!: Mother as the fruit of Her excellent virginity… and Virgin be­cause Her divine Motherhood Itself, by the fruit of Her fecundity, made Her even more Virgin, for being this Fruit the Infinite Virginity Incarnate in explanatory Word to men, of in­finite virginal holiness. Therefore Mary, the more She is Virgin, the more She is Mother, and the more She is Mother, the more She is Virgin; since She is a cry in Her whole be­ing of: God alone! shrouded, saturated, pen­etrated and possessed alone, exclusively alone! by the Infinite Being, in a total and absolute possession.


Transcendent secret the one that Mary lived during the nine months of Her Advent in the most savoury intimacy with the Son of God who, contained in Her womb, made Her feel the beating of His heart in affection of filia­tion…! The infinite will of the Father shook Her, by the love of the Holy Spirit, in nostalgic and vehement need to give birth to the Son of God through the virginal and luminous childbirth of Her divine Motherhood…

Mystery of sacred silence between the crea­ture and the Creator… between God and the White Virgin, who, in the containment of Her Advent, holds in Her womb the Only Begotten Son of the Father, with the love and the moth­erhood that the most tender mother could feel, owing to the infinite delicacy of the touch of the Holy Spirit in Her virginal innermost being…!

Nine months of tenderness… of donation… of self-giving… of response and of hopeful ex­pectation, in the affectionate waiting of Her motherhood that yearns to listen from the mouth of the Infinite Word, as though in infin­ity of eternal melodies, to the word: Mother! in the palpable and palpitating reality, sonorous and delightful of the Son of God become Child in Her arms…!

The life of Mary, during Her Advent, is a mys­tery of unimaginable tenderness, always waiting for the Infinite Word of the Father, turned to­wards Her, to express to Her the will of the Father Himself by the impulse of the Holy Spirit in sa­cred compliments of manifestations of love…

Advent of Mary, lived in the secret of the containment of Her womb, and known only by God and by Her in the most sacred embrace of the Holy Spirit; who, in the closest union, had the Son of God shrouded, being the Son of Mary, in the veiled concealment of the Lady’s immaculate virginity!

The nine months that the Virgin lived with Jesus in Her womb, were contemplated by the Angels of God, in the sacred intimacy of rich colloquies of loves… in sublime and inde­scribable, silent and secret, mysterious and sa­cred, divine and divinizing tenderness of ador­ing silence…

Advent of Mary…! Unsuspected secret and only sensed by the soul-Church who, being introduced by the Lady into the Sancta Sanc­torum of Her maternal virginity, is able to savour in burning surprise what is realized between God and the creature by the Holy Spirit, when the will of the Father wanted to give a Mother to His Incarnate Son and, by Him and in Him, to the whole mankind; and, He wanted to give a Son to Our Lady all White of the Incarnation, so that This One, might give birth to God among men under the simple and affectionate appear­ances of a tiny Child in the arms of a Mother, fruit, in splendorous, divine and divinizing mani­festation, of the Virgin Mother of Bethlehem, sheltered under the divine lulling of the Holy Spirit, covered and shrouded by the Holiness of the Almighty.

Christmas…! Mystery of donation of the Infi­nite One to men through Mary’s Motherhood…

The Virgin-Mother of Bethlehem kisses with inexpressible tenderness, in a kiss of profound adoration saturated with mystery, the Son of God; who, arising from Her virginal womb as the fruit of Her divine Motherhood, is Her Son who becomes visible before the world in the surprising darkness of a closed night under the mysterious silence, veiled and surprising of in­comprehension, known and penetrated solely in the deep depth of His reality by the infinite Holiness of Him who Is Himself.

Son of the Holy Mother Church, only the life of faith, replete with hope, enlightened with the gifts of the Holy Spirit and impelled by love, is capable of entering into this mystery of Christ­mas: In the silence of night and of ingratitude, the Love was uttered before the most secret ex­pectation of the White Virgin.

What would they be to Mary all and each one of these splendorous mysteries which God realized among men, by the donation of His Son Himself in loving spelling out of eternal love, breaking into infinite canticles through the moaning of a Child’s tears…! How She must have lived them…! In what way She must have adored them…! What a reception that of the tenderness of Her Motherhood…! What a reply that of Her self-giving! What affection, in Her Motherly caress, full of sapiential and delight­ful tenderness for the Father’s Infinite Word, Incarnate, who, being at the same time Her Son, was a tiny Child, fed by the most savoury nec­tar of Her virginal breasts, born in Bethlehem in the arms of “a Virgin that would name Him Emmanuel, ‘God with us,’ –‘and the Virgin’s name was Mary,’– ‘of the House of David,’ ‘First-born among many brethren’,” and Prom­ise of God made to our Father Abraham, an­nounced by the holy Prophets in the Old Testa­ment and fulfilled by Christ:

“For a child is born to us, a son is given us; upon His shoulder dominion rests. They name Him Wonder-Counselor, God-Hero, Father-For-ever, Prince of Peace…!”

What delights of love and tenderness be­tween the Mother and the little Emmanuel…! What secrets of surrender and response…! What embraces of affection of the Infinite Virginity for His Virgin-Mother, and what tenderness that of the Virgin-Mother for the Infinite Virginity of the Word Incarnate in Her arms…!

What a moment the one of Jesus’ Birth…! Moment of surprise and expectation of rever­ent and adoring veneration! What an instant-instant of sublime and celestial transcendence of virginity in bursting divine Motherhood by the infinite fluttering of the burning breeze of the Holy Spirit, when the Virgin found Herself with the palpable and palpitating reality of Her God become Son of Hers, in an embrace of myste­rious motherhood and in response of God Himself in a tiny Child who gazes at Her with His divine tiny eyes, like shining bright stars, in a secret of filiation, calling Her: Mother…!

What would the Holy Spirit do at this instant in which the Incarnate Infinite Word, arising from Mary’s womb, shone before the world in the darkness of night, breaking into Light of in­finite expressive wisdom at the mysterious con­cealment of the silence of incomprehension in the sacred night of Bethlehem…?!

“The light came into the darkness, and the darkness did not receive it.”

What would Mary say to Jesus, all of Her possessed by the infinite Love… shrouded and penetrated by His caress… kissed by His Kiss… saturated with His love… pervaded by His eter­nal wisdom so as to penetrate, in the savouring of the Holy Spirit Himself, into that which, through His divine Motherhood, was given to men in the most simple mystery of a Child who, lying in a manger, among straws, burst into melodious tears of infinite songs of eternal loves…?!

What would the impulse of the divine Spouse be in the burning heart of Our Lady, that She might love and receive Jesus with the tender­ness of Her divine Motherhood…?!

What sacred words of love between the Moth­er and the Son, by the force… the breeze… the silence… the peace… the sweetness and most blissful joy of the Holy Spirit…!

Oh mystery…! Mystery of surprising tender­ness…!: God is now Man in the arms of His Mother…! And the Mother is Virgin with the Incarnate Infinite Virginity in Her arms, who calls His Virgin Mother, because the Virgin is His Mother…!

Mystery of Christmas, contemplated by the Angels who, due to the impossibility of their crying with love and amazement, break into a canticle to the God become Child out of love in splendorous manifestation of the infinite mercy in an outpouring of tenderness and com­passion towards fallen man!: “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom His favour rests.”

Let the creature not attempt, with carnal eyes, to penetrate, to comprehend and even to glimpse the veiled mysteries of sublime tran­scendence which the Infinite Being performed in Mary, when He created Her for the realiza­tion of His eternal designs of self-donation to­wards man; uniting Her to Him so wonderful­ly, that He made of Her a marvel of grace known only in the penetration of the gifts of the Holy Spirit and savoured by the fruits of His possession…!

Let the tainted tongue not attempt to express the mysteries of God in Himself and in His do­nation of merciful love towards man in and through the all White Virgin of the Incarnation, breaking into divine Motherhood by the burn­ing kiss of infinite virginity of the Holy Spirit, with profane comparisons that do nothing but tarnish the immaculate whiteness of Her in­comprehensible and untouchable holiness…!

Mary is a cry of God alone! in Her being, in Her life and Her actions…!

The Virgin, saturated with Divinity and over­flowing with divine Motherhood, conscious that God became incarnate in Her in order to give Himself to men in the infinite Song of the ro­mance of a Child, by the will of the Father and in the love of the Holy Spirit; anxious to fulfil the divine will that She has printed in Her be­ing, She interrupts the recreations of love with the Son of God, arisen from Her bosom, and Her Son in Her Motherly arms, so as to give to the world, as the fruit of Her divine Motherhood and according to that same Motherhood, the Emmanuel, the High Priest who is in Himself and by Himself the union of God with man in the exercise of the plenitude of His Priesthood.

And when, as universal Mother, in manifes­tation of Her love, She is going to give God to all men, who also are a fruit of the kiss of the Holy Spirit in Her Virgin-Mother soul, She re­ceives, in the incomprehensible delicacy of Her maternal love, the sword of such acute pain, that Her heart is wounded, unable to heal, due to the indifference of the “no” of all Her children to the infinite self-donation of the eternal Love who, by means of the Motherhood of the Lady, is handed over to us become a Child in the mys­terious and sacrosanct night of Christmas… And how well Mary understood, in a comprehension of grieving insight, that “The light came into the darkness, and the darkness did not receive it…!”

And that is why, pierced by grief, fulfilling the will of the Father and under the impulse of the Holy Spirit, She took the Infinite Word of the Father become Child and, in a tearing of Her motherhood, putting Him away from Her arms, “laid Him on the straws of a manger,” as a clear, palpable, and heart-rending manifesta­tion that there was none to receive Him…

All of this was realized only under the ador­ing and reverent expectation of the Patriarch Saint Joseph, overwhelmed with ineffable joy in the Holy Spirit and sobbing at the same time, with His soul rent by the contemplation of the surprising mystery which, through the White Virgin of the Incarnation, was manifested in Bethlehem, under the shade and the protecting breeze of the Almighty.

Mystery of Christmas…! Secret of infinite ten­derness…!: In the silence of night and of in­comprehension, under the vibrant notes of the Holy Spirit, and in the tearing of the mother­hood of Mary, in a manger the Love was re­vealed to us…!!

Silence, dear soul…! Respect and veneration! Adore…! With the Angels of God, respond with love…! Because God, become Child, any mi­nute now is going to burst into tears for the first time on earth torn apart by solitude and incomprehension…

Silence, dear soul…! Respond…! adore…! love…! God is crying!!

Angels of Heaven, where are you…? Look for the simple ones of the earth and commu­nicate to them the great news that in a manger, curled up by the tenderness of a Virgin-Mother God cries…!! Look for the simple ones, for the little ones… because they will discover the mys­teries of God… because to them the secrets of the Father are communicated… “for theirs is the kingdon of Heaven” and because with them the infinite Love, lying among straws and shivering with cold, rests…!

And for that reason the Angels, in the chill­ing night of Christmas, rushed to the shepherds in fulfilment of God’s desire, to communicate to them the Good News of the Emmanuel.

Among the big ones, among those that sought the wealth of the earth, there was no place for the Virgin-Mother to give birth to the Infinite Light of the eternal Sun, bursting into twinkling splendours…

“There was no room for the Son of God in the inn…!”

And thus, in a grotto… in the silence of night… midst the expectation of the Virgin… the adoration of a holy man… the warmth of rude animals… and the contemplation of the Angels of Heaven, broke out among men the Infinite Song of the Father, in a nostalgic Can­ticle of deep and tragic incomprehension.

Child of Holy Mother Church, you who live on faith, who know, in the penetration of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, by your life of grace, the mysteries of Christ’s life, come along with me today, dear soul, child of my soul-Church… come, on this Christmas night, to the tiny sta­ble at Bethlehem…! Stand next to the White Virgin… And there, in adoring expectation, wait for that instant-instant plethoric with light and with Divinity wherein, surrounded by the si­lence of the night and in the caressing mystery of the lulling of the Holy Spirit, the Eternal Word of the Father in the arms of Mary, is about to burst into tears of Infinite Song…

Wait prostrate, dear soul, and contemplate the enjoyments of the Mother and the Son in virginity of communicative tenderness…

Listen to the infinite lulling of the Holy Spirit, who shrouds the mystery of the Virgin-Mother who kisses God in a recently born Child, as His Son become Man.

Perceive, if you can, the kiss of God who, Incarnate, kisses the Virgin with the tenderness of a Son…

And wait… so that, after that colloquy of in­effable delight on the part of God, when Our Lady all White of Bethlehem would be about to give Her Son and the Son of God to men again on this night of Bethlehem which through the Liturgy becomes present to us in our time, She may find you waiting full of love and of unheard of tenderness, and She may not have to lay Him again in the manger, in some cold straws! because He would not find even on this new night of Christmas to whom to give Him in order to receive Him.

Pick up quickly from the arms of Mary the tiny Child of Bethlehem; the Emmanuel, God with us, who is born in a manger, who will die on a cross and will remain in the White Host for all times through the Sacrifice of the altar, to give Himself to you as Bread of life, and in loving wait in the Sacrament of the Eucharist, splendorous manifestation of His infinite love who needs to be with those whom He loves all centuries enduring.

Dear soul, son of my soul-Church…! Take Him in, for God became Man for your sake, so that you might receive Him, love Him and em­brace Him…! Caress Him with the greatest pos­sible tenderness…! Kiss His tiny chest palpitat­ing with love for you; kiss His feet that will become a path to life and, they will be pierced in order to bring you to the Father’s House; kiss His tiny head pervaded by eternal wisdom, that will be crowned with thorns for your own sins!

Look at His divine cheeks, bathed in tears and His tiny eyes which look for you waiting for the response of your love to His self-dona-tion of infinite love.

Place on His hands a kiss that may taste to Him of reception of His eternal self-donation… Open your arms and your heart, and stretch them out to take Him; and ask Mary to give Him to you, not to leave Jesus in the manger, for you want to receive Him, because for your sake He became Man, and for your sake She was Mother of God and Mother of yours…!

Ask Our Lady of the Holy Spirit for the Fruit of Her Motherhood, who is yours, since for your sake God became Child…

Let not, dear soul, Our Lady of Bethlehem, on this night of Christmas, heavy with mystery, lay Jesus again in the manger because there were none to receive Him…!

[…] And united in the Holy Spirit, fulfilling the will of the Father, we are going to open our heart and our soul to take Jesus in our arms, the tiny one of Bethlehem, and to kiss Him with a kiss of reception… with an embrace of response… with a self-giving of donation… so that never could one say that “the light shines in the dark­ness, and the darkness has not overcome it…!”

[…] You already know, Lady of Bethlehem, that my nostalgias and the cravings of my heart are uncontainable… that the urges of my chest and the volcanoes of my love, as though un­limited… That is why I express today my feel­ings in the spontaneous and simple way where­with the little ones communicate their desires, leaning on the Father’s chest.

In the uncontainable longing of my uni­versal motherhood, I want, on the sacrosanct night of Bethlehem, with my mission of Church fulfilled, in a way mysterious but ex­perientially lived, to prostrate myself at Your feet […] and to say to You on behalf of the men of all times, by the dimension of my soul-Church in the plenitude of my mystical priest­hood: Mother, give us Jesus…! and never should it have to be heard on earth: “He came to what was His own, but His own people did not accept Him” …!

Because, in the splendorous magnitude of our reality of Church, my soul tiny but brim­mingly eager to respond to God, says to God Himself, due to my spiritual and universal motherhood in the burning flames of the Holy Spirit and in the mysterious way of our graft­ing onto Christ, with Him, through Him and in Him, a “yes” so glorious that it may be a reply of love and reception by all men on the cold, silent, mysterious and sacrosanct night of Christmas.

Mother Trinidad de la Santa Madre Iglesia

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