Mother Trinidad de la Santa Madre Iglesia
Mother Trinidad was born in Dos Hermanas (Seville) on February 10th, 1929.
She spent her first seventeen years living a simple and unseen life as a good youngster in the bosom of a well-to-do and godly Christian family.
Yet God, in His unfathomable designs, powerfully transformed that simple life of young Trinidad.
As of this early age, great gifts from God would mark the different stages of her existence in order to fulfil the mission He wanted to entrust to her in the Church.
From December 7th, 1946 to March 18th, 1959.
The tolling of the bells coming from the bell tower of the Parish Church of Saint Mary Magdalene in the town of Dos Hermanas (Seville, Spain), gave the announcement at noon on that Saturday that we had entered the eve of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception; a day doubly dedicated to the Virgin. This festive sound of the bells marks an important moment and the beginning of a different life. She herself describes it like this:
“That seven of December was like the sudden emergence of a thriving spring that totally filled my life with light and put a new color in everything around me. Infinite Love stood before me and, as it were, said to me: Do you need to love and to be loved? I am Infinite Love! Is your heart thirsting for happiness? I am Happiness, Beauty, Power, eternal Perfection…! And from that day on, my soul lives in the fullness of all its desires, infinitely overwhelmed in its desire to be and to possess.”
In the Parish Church of Saint Mary Magdalene, on the day of the Immaculate Conception, with these words she voiced her total surrender to God as she stood before the statue of Our Lady: “I will be forever Yours”. Words which will remain as a permanent seal marking her first and definitive steps.
She spent many hours alongside Jesus in the Eucharist, as many as she was allowed by her job in the family shoe shop, and such unique encounters with Jesus made Him become her sole Teacher.
Due to family reasons, she moved to Madrid in 1955.
Added now to her intimacy with Jesus are some prophetic lights that she received at that time, which made her glimpse her own future being “at the front of a great Work”.
“I was born for the Church, and the Church is my song!”
March 18th 1959, its transcendence.
A few years later, as a result of a most unique gift, God introduced her into His intimate life. In words she herself wrote on April 30th, 1960, she describes what happened to her on that very day:
“God introduced me (…) on March 18th, 1959, in a very profound and unimaginable way, into the fathomless depth of the Mystery of His life (…) for me to contemplate that Sancta Sanctorum of the adorable Trinity, veiled and hidden (…) and there I was introduced without being able to understand how I could have entered there; and much less could I understand how, after coming out, I have continued to live for so many years even after that (…). Solely to help the Church! solely for this (…) Whom my poor and trembling soul had to manifest (…) being only the Echo, the tiny, frightened and stammering Echo of the People of God.”
Pope Saint John Paul II, in the Decree of Approbation of Pontifical Right, wanted to single out that very day, March 18th, 1959, as the beginning of The Work of The Church, even though Mother Trinidad herself was not thinking about any foundation at that time. Yet the Work that the Lord wanted to do through her in the Church had indeed already begun with such magnificent and most special workings of the Lord in her soul.
Mother Trinidad feels deeply moved as she receives the blessing of the Holy Father Saint John Paul II, who wanted to go to her own house and visit her while she was sick in bed. (December, 15th 1996)
In 1976 she gave a simple explanation of the consequences she had experienced after having been introduced into God’s Bosom: “The Divine thought is instilled in my lowly understanding and I know what God is, what He says or what He wants (…). God speaks to me from one understanding to another.”
This is the explanation of how, almost without knowing how to read or write and without having ever read any book on Theology, she has written and published several books, and has recorded more than one thousand talks either in audio or video format; in addition to her countless unpublished writings.
The Work of the Church
On the day of Pentecost in 1963 the Lord asked her: “Make me The Work of the Church.” “With what I have given you, you already know what you have to do.”
What the Lord worked in her on March, 18th is exactly what she has to do in the Church, thus responding to the need imposed by God on her soul: “Go and tell it, this is for everyone”. On march 22nd, 1963 she said:
Beloved soul, help me help the Church by showing Her as She is and God willed to be His divine mind. (Extract)
Time: 4 minutes.
“It is not precisely because I may be a mystical soul that God has chosen me to sing His Song, but rather, by making me fully live what I am by being Church, and by utterly filling me with the infinite truth that is enclosed within Her, He has made me break out into song in order to manifest that the secret enclosed in the bosom of the Church is for all mankind.”
Mother Trinidad: One life, one mission, one vocation that God alone fully knows, and which she describes with these words:
“I was born for the Church, solely for this, God created me in His infinite design so that I might be ‘The Echo of the Church of mine,’ and might sing Her song and manifest Her riches. I was born to be Church, to be in the midst of mankind a living expression of Her profound reality, of Her infinite song and of Her heart-rending tragedy (…).”
(From the writing “I was born for the Church” – Letter No. 20)