A piece of writing from
from the 19th of May, 1975. Title:
Under the proximity of the Holy Spirit and the impetus of His fire, are perceived as though myriads and myriads of battalions of being in the loving and infinite murmur of God’s passing who, in the might of the Immense One, approaches, with the breeze of His flight the human creature who, in reverent prostration, awaits adoring and loving the Infinite Being, so that He may rush to possess and to inebriate it with the silent and sacrosanct murmur and tasteful knowledge of His pace and the tasting of the nectar of His Divinity;
and the human creature, from the limitation and baseness of its nothingness be a total and unconditional possession of Him who created it in His infinite thought, solely and exclusively to introduce it into His bridal chamber to live drinking, in the most blissful participation in His infinite and coeternal perfection;
and there, inside, in the innermost of the Being, may contemplate it translimited in loving wisdom under the burning and sapiential luminaries of the faith, full of penetrative luminosity, watching it with His Eyes, singing to it with His very Word and aflame with the gladdening love of the Holy Spirit; who, in the substantial and sacrosanct murmur of His fiery passing, invites it to receive Him owing to the silent and sacred proximity of the breeze of His flight.
Whereat, the week preceding Pentecost I have perceived the proximity of the Infinite One who overwhelmed me, keeping me as though in tension in the savoury prelude to the impetus of the Holy Spirit who, approaching in His passing by, made me sense His coming.
Wherefore, being unable to say how it has happened, as days were passing, I felt that the Holy Spirit got closer with the might of His outpouring, by a mysterious force that had me under pressure, filling my spirit in penetrative and joyful possession, of loving wisdom replete with hope, in my tireless search, rushing in swift flight to the encounter of the Infinite Love.
And, when the day of Pentecost came, for which the Holy Spirit was preparing me in loving enthrallment of insatiable waiting for His possession; when placing myself in contact with God, I began to perceive the proximity of the Eternal One… remoteness from everything created… need for the living God… contact with His mysteries… depth in His bosom and penetrative savouring in the infinite immensity of God’s excellence…
And successively, to the extent that my soul, being lifted as in flight, was getting deeper in loving contemplation, slowly and silently attracted by the melodic company of the fiery passing in the sacred breeze of the Holy Spirit; owing to the loftiness of the excellently immense excellence of the Eternal Being, I felt that I was moving away from all earthly things; comprehending in a profound, secret and transcendent way the infinitely different and distant distance that exists between the human creature and the Creator, between the All and the nothing, between the Infinite One and the created.
And in a deep penetration, immersed in the fires of His Eyes, under the burning luminaries of His eternal wisdom, I surprised God so great…! so different and so distant of all that He is not…! in a loftiness of excellence so plethoric and infinitely divine…! that all that was created, due to my experience, became as though a non-being…
I understood that nothing is; that nothing is apart from the Being, been and possessed in Himself and by Himself in His intercommunication of familial and Trinitarian life, without beginning and without end, without frontiers and without decline.
Wherefore, from the deep and intimate concavity of the core of my spirit, I repeated without words:
What comparison is possible between the human creature and the Creator…!! Only God is Himself in His infinite Being Himself of sovereign majesty…!
And feeling every time more penetrated and immersed, full of the savouring of the Infinite and Subsistent Being, I was exclaiming:
What is a human creature that has been brought forth from the non-being, which at one time was not and now, just by an act of God’s will, is…? What can a human creature be, however excellent it may be, that had a beginning dependent on the Infinite Being in the eternal realm of His consubstantial Being Himself; who with just a breath of His mouth gives the being, and with just a breath of His mouth can sweep it off the earth’s face and make the whole creation cease to exist…?
What a distance I understood to exist between He Who Is Himself by Himself and what is no more than a real manifestation from the One who has been and is by the will of the Eternal Being Himself…!
And full of love and surprise, translimited and sublimated and having got deeper into what I was grasping of the sublime reality of the Infinite Being, being Himself and pouring Himself outwards in creative will, I was repeating without words in the recondite spaces of my heart:
But how can the human creature be compared to the Creator…!! And how and when will I be able to explain the most excellent excellence of what God is Himself by Himself, and the dominion of His reality…?!
It was so much what I was understanding under the divine thought and penetrated by His infinite wisdom, that, when looking at the creation and all that, within the limits of the plenitude and exuberance of its greatness was created, I did not know whether to laugh or to cry… to tremble or to die… since my possibility of adoration was so exceeded, that I knew not even how to adore as the crushing limitation of my nothingness needed before the Infinite Creator three times Holy, in deep and reverent veneration, prostrate and enthralled by His majestic magnificence.
Because, due to the splendid magnitude of the excellence of the Infinite Being, everything became as though a non-being, everything was left like the little straw which, in a forest, on a day of a terrible hurricane, is swayed by the strong wind, without being noticed due to the smallness of its reality…
There was nothing but the Being…! Nothing was necessary…! All things appeared insignificant before my spiritual gaze, overcome under the light of the splendour of Yahweh’s glory in His divine magnificence, becoming as though non-being…!
Such was the excellence of God, so immense the greatness of His infinite Being in the plenitude of His strength, so infinitely different and distant from all that He was not, that everything that He was not, before my spiritual gaze, practically became non-being…
There was nothing but God! because God was Himself all that was in the excellent plenitude of the might, of His infinite consubstantial and coeternal divine Being.
The penetration of my spirit into the excellence of God went so far, that I was afraid to say aloud all that I understood. Because, when looking at the tight containment of the creation in the so exuberantly plethoric and overflowing greatness with which God Himself created it –a reflection of the exuberance of His own perfection, and that our gaze discovers in it–, I saw it so tiny… so much, so much… that I decided never to say to the very bottom all that I had understood.
For perhaps some twisted minds and mean hearts, not having ever suspected the excellent excellence of the Infinite Being, could think that I despised in some aspect those human creatures which, within the creation, are the most wonderful expression in manifestation of the coeternal and infinitely transcendent might of the One who Is Himself.
And due to the knowledge of this reality, I was again as though introduced even more deeply into the excellence of God.
And from there, enthralled and full of surprise and love, I saw the majestic magnificence of Christ’s humanity. Contemplating it so immensely great, so much! that it alone is richer than the whole creation; a tight summary of all of it, because “in Him, by Him and for Him all things, were made and created,” in splendorous and enthralling manifestation of His own perfection; and so capable in His humanity, that this one has no other Person than the divine, Christ being able to say, through His human voice, because of the plenitude of the mystery that it contains: I am God…!
And despite all this, owing to the distance that exists between the human creature and the Creator, between the divine and the human, between the One who Is by Himself and that which has received all from Him, I had to cry out loud in the innermost and recondite space of my spirit, exceeded and translimited, by the transcendent transcendence of Him Who Is Himself His own reason for being been and possessed in the subsistent and infinitely sufficient plenitude of His Divinity:
But how can the human creature be compared with the Creator…!
Praising Jesus, the Only Begotten Son of the Incarnate God, who, by virtue of the union of His divine nature and His human nature in the person of the Word, is as much God as He is a man and as much a man as He is God. And that in His humanity adores, prostrate in reverent veneration, the infinite Highness of His divine Person; being the perfect, finished and infinitely glorifying and atoning adoration of the human creature before the Creator: before the subsistent excellence of His very Deity.
And thus, transcended and translimited by love, inebriated by the nectar of the Divinity, and exceeded by joy in the Holy Spirit, under the breeze of His softness and the fluttering of His divine passing above my poor, tiny and trembling soul, appeared Mary, Queen and Mother of the beautiful Love, with the unimaginable greatness of Her divine Motherhood.
And I saw Her so great…! so elevated…! so sublimated…! so extolled…! above all the other creatures…! above the Angels of Heaven! for being the Mother of God, Queen of the universe, Virgin, Mother and Lady…! being, after Jesus, as pure creature, the greatest expression of the Infinite One.
Whereas I went on repeating in the most secret part of my spirit and in the most recondite part of my heart palpitating with love owing to the passing of the Holy Spirit who, enlightening my spirit, was uncovering to me the sublime and subsistent sublimity of Him Who Is Himself by Himself and the infinite distance that exists between the Infinite One and the creature, which came out of the hands of His coeternal and infinite power:
But how can the creature be compared with the Creator…!
Understanding, seeing and going on penetrating, in an intuition of profound respect, Jesus, as High and Eternal Priest, adoring the Infinite Being, overcome by joy, because He is in Himself and by Himself, as Man, the reverent response of perfect adoration what the Infinite Holiness of the One who Is deserves in response of loving return by His creatures; because how can the creature be compared with the Creator…!
The Creator is Himself in Himself and by Himself what He is, for having in Himself His own reason for being by His subsistence in infinite and coeternal possession of Divinity; whereas the human creature, however excellent it may be, is, by the splendorous manifestation of the magnitude of God in His eternal Being Himself, veneration that adores enthralled and translimited in infinite distance; filling up the capacity of its being as creature before the Creator; of the one who has received everything, before the Eternal Being Himself; of the one who had a beginning, before the Without Beginning; of the one who is nothing but the realization of God’s creative will, in splendorous manifestation of the infinite power of the Coeternal Being, before He Who Is Himself by Himself.
And gradually, the more I penetrated into the excellence of God, the more I was comprehending, at the same time, the transcendent greatness of the humanity of Jesus, created by God to have no other person than the divine, and the almost infinite distance that exists from the other human creatures. So exalted was He by the infinite magnificence of God…! so elevated by the Subsistent Being! so much! that He can say as a man:
I am God; being able to call God: Father, right properly, being “Light of His same Light and Figure of His substance.”
But between His humanity and His Divinity the distance is so great, so much, so much…! that He Himself is in Himself He Who Is Himself, and He Himself is in Himself the infinitely adored and the infinite Adoring One…
And despite all this greatness, as my spirit went deeper into the excellence of God, being raised to His bosom and apart from and out of the earthly; I was leaving all things created behind, and I repeated in my canticle of supreme praise before the excellence of God:
How magnificent is the splendour of the power of the glory of Yahweh when creating His human creatures and, among them, when pouring Himself out so splendorously over some of them for the praise of His glory, under the majesty of His infinite power! But, how can the human creature be compared with the Creator…!
And I repeated it and repeated it… taken by Him to contemplate Him, to live Him in most blissful savouring of Eternity. Perceiving that, the more I deepened it and the more I repeated it internally, the more deeply I entered into the excellence of God and the more I had to repeat it; understanding that I was in the truth: in the clear truth! in the unique truth of the human creature before the Creator…!
The same happened to me when I looked at the Holy Mother Church, who as the Bride of Christ and due to Her royal Head, had in Herself the plenitude of the Divinity: full of holiness and beauty, of freshness and youth, capable of saturating all men with the fullness of Her Springs received from God by Christ through Mary and resting in Her Motherly bosom; but who, in turn, embraced in Her bosom so many men who are also sinners; since the Church is divine and human in the plethoric and tight compendium of Her reality:
But, how can the human creature be compared with the Creator…!
From the height of the excellence of God, I looked at the whole creation, which for me was, in light of the divine thought, so beautiful and glorifying of God Himself; and once more turned up the tiny blade or the little drop of water lost in the immense immensity of the innumerable seas that creation contains…
But, between the little drop of water and the immense seas, or the small leaf of a tree amongst millions and millions of small leafs of trees that earth contains –all different among themselves by the overabundance of the plethoric and exuberant wealth that creation contains, as expression in a finite way and reflection of the Creator Himself–, there was only a distance of quantity, but not even an infinite distance of quantity.
Between a small drop of water and the immensity of the seas there was not an infinite distance; because after all both were created creatures which, however plethoric and exuberant, they might be, turned, before the excellence of God, in the intuition of my spiritual gaze, to be as though non-being and to have no other distance than to be creatures which one day were not, and that today are dependent on the Infinite Being, infinitely different and distant from His plethoric excellence, and that tomorrow perhaps they will cease to be…
And the excellence of God will go on being just as excellent before all the creatures that are by Him, that by His will continue to be and that, dependent on His same will, will continue to be or again cease to exist…!
How well I understood that only God is Himself…! How immense the distance of the Infinite Being, from all that is not He…!
And during all this Pentecost morning of 1975, being my soul immersed in prayer, I repeated as though a melodic praise in a hymn of glory before the majestic magnificence of the infinite power of He who Is Himself:
But, how can the human creature be compared with the Creator…!
It seems that God took pleasure therein; for the more I repeated it, the deeper I entered, the more I soared up, and the smaller I saw creation, and the more excellent appeared before my spiritual gaze the coeternal and the transcendent Being…
And also, in my ascent to the presence of the Being, before my spiritual gaze, appeared a diversity of creatures: the rebellious Angels… Adam… Eve…
How, could they, if they knew some of the excellence of God, rebel against Him…?!
How could they believe themselves to be like God or wish to be like Him, if at the moment when they rebelled they had some knowledge similar to the one that I, in my limitation, have had today…?!
How is it possible that, in this truth that I live today, one could desire anything other then to be praise of glory before the magnificence of the Coeternal Being…?!
What knowledge did they have of Him, and how far did the penetration of their knowledge go, that they were capable of saying to God: “I will not serve You,” or to crave for something apart from adoring Him…?
I was afraid to say what I was seeing; comprehending with clear certainty that, in the glorious partaking of the Eternity, before the magnificence of God and enthralled by the beauty of His Face, when contemplating Him without veils, there remains no other possibility than to adore in a reverent hymn of praise before the Infinite Being in His Trinity of Persons.
Wherefore, trembling with reverent veneration and in profound adoration, bursting into the deepest part of my heart repeating in my song of Church and as Echo in proclamation of the infinite canticles that She holds in Her bosom, as a “tower of strength,” Queen and Lady, having as head and crown of glory the Only Begotten Son of God:
But, how can the human creature be compared with the Creator…!
Because, owing to the magnitude of the knowledge which I had about the excellence of God, at that instant, according to my poor understanding, I was left without the capacity, not only to desire to be like God –because that idea alone, due to the sublimeness that I conceive of His excellence and magnitude, would make me be contempt for myself, becoming to my spiritual gaze the poorest and most abominable creature of creation, in a deep and continued outburst of mocking laughter in contempt for my atrophied mind–, but not even being able to desire or crave for something that were not, in my act of pure love, to glorify the Infinite One for what He is in Himself, by Himself and for Himself, and without me…
To be like God…! What a darkness of the mind…!: To desire something against God…! To seek something that is not to adore Him…! To want something that He does not want…!
I grasped, so much, so much…! that I realized I could not expressed it… furthermore, that prudently I ought not to say all I had seen and heard, this being another of the great secrets of my life…
I recalled the year 1960: “Soul of mine, look not at yourself…” I was afraid of myself… I wanted to fly to Heaven with all my strength due to the lowness and smallness of my nothingness and due to the sublimeness of what, without understanding how nor why, I was contemplating.
Dumbfounded and without wanting to express it, I burst into my song of: Who like God…! having in Himself, by Himself, and for Himself, the power to be Himself by Himself and standing in being of Himself, by virtue of the infinite excellence of the infinite power of His sublime Being, all that He can be, been, infinitely enjoyed and possessed in a most blissful and most glorious joy of Eternity.
And under the light, the impulse, the fire and the truth of the Holy Spirit, I also saw that my spirit was in the truth, remembering the phrase of Jesus: “I came into the world, to testify to the truth”; and that I was introduced into the plethoric reality of the infinite Truth.
I felt possessed by this same Truth, which lovingly and freely, because of the sapiential wisdom of all that I was penetrating, made me see more and more deeply the infinite distance of being that exists between the Creator and the creature, between His greatness and our nothingness, His being Himself and our being received and dependent on the loving will of the Infinite Being.
I was so conscious of this double truth, that I repeated constantly due to the magnitude of God in infinite distance from all that is not He:
But, how can the human creature be compared with the Creator…!
And understanding also, full of terror, that I could not tell on earth, in its very depth as long as I live, what I had understood on that day of Pentecost in 1975…
Powerless, translimited and overwhelmed by God, exhausted and weakened, enthralled and dumbfounded by the light of that Pentecost, burning in the fire of the Holy Spirit, before the excellence of God, I reverently adored…!
How great I saw, full of joy, Jesus in His humanity, who is different and distant from the whole creation and from all other creatures, and who was able to adore God as He infinitely needed to be adored by man…!
Marvellous mystery of the Incarnation, that gives God in His creature everything He expected from it…! Unimaginable greatness of the most sacred humanity of Christ…!
Carried away by the excellence of His adoration, as man, to His own Divinity, with Him, I adored!
Being engraved on my soul, as though with fire, by the breeze of the Holy Spirit in swift passing that has made me know, intuit and live something of the most excellent excellence of the Infinite Being, exceeded by joy and prostrate in reverent and humble adoration, the loud cry of the Archangel Saint Michel:
“Who like God…?!”
Because, how can the human creature be compared with the Creator…?!
Mother Trinidad de la Santa Madre Iglesia
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