A piece of writing from


from the 25th January, 1970. Title:


O plethoric reality of the greatness of Our Lady all White of the Incarnation!

Today, impelled by the light and the might of the Holy Spirit, and swept over by the love that towards the Lady invades my soul, I need to spell out to the extent of my littleness and the poorness of my nothing, full of veneration, admiration and respect, something of whatever, in a romance of love of deep wisdom and under the sapiential light of the divine thought, I have penetrated, taken by the impetus of God who with “His left hand is under my head and His right arm embraces me” about the transcendent and sublime mystery of the Incarnation; brought about by the will of the Father, who gives to us in loving spelling out His Only Begotten Son in the most pure inner being of the Virgin; who, by the loving lulling of the infinite kiss of sublime and transcendent virginity of the Holy Spirit, in immense passing and under the breeze of Its flight, breaks into divine Motherhood.

All the greatness of Mary comes to Her because of Her divine Motherhood; an incomprehensible greatness to our human mind blinded and darkened by sin.

Sublime mystery that of the Motherhood of the Virgin, because it contains the uncontainable mystery of the Incarnation in the veiled and sacrosanct concealment of the wonder that takes place in Her by the power of the Infinite Being, who created Her in His eternal plans so that She were the means through whom God Himself, in a romance of love, becoming incarnate in Her –“the Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us”– gave Himself to man in a loving spelling out of infinite and coeternal canticles, in the most sublime and ineffable way that the human mind might suspect, through the virginal Motherhood of Our Lady of the Incarnation, all White! all Virgin! all Mother! all Queen! and all Lady!

There is no creature capable of containing in its bosom the mystery of God, if God Himself, with the sovereignty of His infinite power, when penetrating it with His wisdom, He does not sustain it with His might. And God created Mary so that She might actively take an active part in the mystery of the Incarnation…!

O how awesome is Mary, for being able to contain in Her Motherly bosom the moment of the great mystery of the Incarnation…! Sublime moment of infinite transcendence that is not possible on Earth, due to its greatness, to the immense reality that it contains…

Look at the way God made you, Mary, when He made You capable of containing the uncontainable in Your womb, to sustain the unsustainable!


O Mary! I see that You are contemplating the mystery that in Your womb is taking place…! O Mary! Nobody can know it nor glimpse it if You do not show it to him…! O Mary! splendorous manifestation of God’s will, who made You holder of the mystery uncontainable by any human creature on earth: of the transcendent mystery of the donation of God to man, by means of the hypostatic union of the divine nature and the human nature in the person of the Word, realized in Your virginal innermost being, by the lulling of the Holy Spirit, under the shade and protection of the Almighty Himself, that made You break into divine Motherhood; in such a way that, in You and through You, God became Man without ceasing to be God, and made Man God without ceasing to be man.

O sublime loftiness of the Sancta Sanctorum of the Virgin Mother of the Incarnation! where, in loving wisdom, God, penetrating my soul with His infinite thought, is introducing me and making me glimpse in the way that only He knows, according to the design of His infinite will, into His divine and coeternal donations to man; since, in a sacred compliment of ineffable love, in Mary and through Her, God Himself gave Himself to us with a Father’s heart, a Word’s song and a Holy Spirit’s love.

In view of that, my poor soul, stunned, trembling, adoring, frightened and immersed in the mystery, utters as though in a hymn of praise:

Thanks, Mother, for having introduced me into Your womb to contemplate with You what is not given to any creature on earth to glimpse, if it is not taken by You to the profound and sacrosanct depth of the mystery that You contain.

[…] O… most sacred and secret mystery of the Incarnation…! Immense, sublime and unfathomable mystery of God with man…!

O…! But if God, by His infinite excellence, cannot be anything other than God…! And man, by his finite creation, no matter how sublime this one may be, cannot be anything other than man…!

Terrible mystery of the Incarnation…! Deep, profound, secret, unfathomable and incomprehensible to the human mind…!

[…] How surprising in its deep and loving reality…! Mystery of the Incarnation, that almost without being able to be, not even within the infinite possibilities owing to the infinitude of the perfection of God, the eternal Wisdom Itself draws from Its power the possibility of doing what is impossible so that God may be Man and the Man may be God…!

And if that were not enough, this sublime mystery, incomprehensible to the human mind, is contained, maintained and realized in the bosom of a human creature so marvellous, that neither is it possible for the human mind to know its greatness and its richness by the loftiness of Her creation that has made Her capable of being the Mother of the Incarnate God Himself, for Christ had no Person other than the divine; so that by Her, in Her and through Her virginal Motherhood, by means of the containment of the mystery that She holds, might be communicated to us, in the poem of love most appealing to man –motherhood–, the divine romance of God incarnate, and become Man out of love.

Oh! who will be able to approach the unfathomable mystery of the Incarnation, without being introduced by Mary…? Who will be able to approach the instant-instant when the Father broke into fiery Word in the womb of the Lady, in the sacred impetus of the love of the Holy Spirit…? And who will be able to penetrate into that infinite mystery, without Mary introducing him within Herself…?

O Mary…! Ineffable wonder that of Your Motherhood, that makes You repository of the fulfilled promises of God to man through Christ, the Only Begotten Son of the Father, Emmanuel, God with us…! –“I shall make an everlasting covenant with you in fulfilment of the favour promised to David.”– O Mary, so unknown and so defiled so many times by the human mind, because is not known according to the divine thought the wonder of wonders that You contain, so that You, as the only repository of Him, might communicate Him to all men…!

[…] How sublime, how profound and how lofty is the mystery of the Incarnation and, for that reason, how magnificent Mary’s Motherhood…!

[…] Only whoever approaches You is capable of being introduced by You into the bridal chamber of the secret of God Incarnate, and, curled up in Your maternal bosom, to surprise the infinite mystery, concealed, transcendent, veiled from all ages and manifested in You, by You and through You to all men…

[…] Where is the human word to sing the sublime virtues of Mary…? There is no created word that can express them, because, when God created Her, He made Her in the image of His wisdom and as the manifestation of this same wisdom giving Himself in motherhood…

And who will be able to comprehend somehow the divine wisdom on earth, but That One to whom has been spelt out so surprisingly that the Infinite Word, the Utterance of the Father, breaking into unheard of melodies of eternal canticles, became incarnate in Her and within Her?

Mary is conscious of the mystery of the Incarnation by loving design of God who became incarnate in Her virginal inner being, making Her break, by the breeze of His flight and the might of His infinite power, into divine Motherhood…! […] How great is Mary for containing in Herself the magnificent, sublime and enthralling mystery of the Incarnation…!

[…] Today, surprisingly, I have understood, once again, from the poorness, smallness and lowness of my nothingness, penetrated by the divine thought and enlightened by His loving wisdom, that there is no mystery which is not communicated to us in You, by You and through You…

Thanks, Lord, by having given me a Mother, by means of whom, I may be able to enter into the great moment of the Incarnation! and, through it, into all the other mysteries that, donated by You, are contained in the bosom of the Holy Mother Church replete and saturated with Divinity!

Thanks, Mother! for having introduced me into Your womb, the sole way and sole means through which I can glimpse and penetrate, to the extent of the powerlessness and worthlessness of my not having anything, my not being capable of anything and my not knowing anything, something of the mystery of God becoming Man; and in Him to understand, to savour and to live, in Your womb and from Your womb, the mystery of the Church, which is the perpetuation of the mystery of the Incarnation realized in Your bosom. And that is why, You, Mary, as You are the Mother of God, You are the Mother of the Church of mine as well, the holder also of all Her reality in the prolongation of the ages… “Woman, behold, Your son.”

Thanks, Lord, for having become Man! Thanks for having shown it to me today in the womb of Mary, and for having manifested to me that in Her alone, is it possible to understand the un-fathomable arcanum of God in Himself, under the mystery of the Incarnation, which today, for being Church, I have discovered contained and maintained in the womb of the Lady and communicated to my soul with a Mother’s heart and a Holy Spirit’s love…!

Thanks, Lord, for having given me Mary as a Mother and thus to have on earth someone who might introduce me into Your mystery…!

O Sancta Sanctorum of the Incarnation! I, adoring, inside, contemplate the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit bringing about the mystery which is enclosed in the Incarnation… I see Mary contemplating, in collaboration with the divine Persons, the realization of that mystery…!

[…] O the moment of the union of the two natures in the person of the Word, this taking place in the Sancta Sanctorum of the Lady, by means of the donation of the Father who gives His Son to us by the love of the Holy Spirit…!

[…] The Holy Spirit, in a colloquy of love, of intimacy, in His infinite impetus, prepares the Virgin so that, in Her womb and from Her flesh, God may form one humanity who may join together with the Divinity in the person of the Word and bring about the Incarnation…

[…] The Incarnation is the union of God with Man… The Father gives us His Son and Mary gives God the humanity which God needed so that His Son might be Man…

Ineffable mystery that of the Incarnation, in which the Father acts giving us His Son, the Son becoming incarnate in Mary, the Holy Spirit bringing about the mystery in the Lady, and the Virgin giving Her flesh to the Word of Life so that He may become Man…! And thus, the Incarnation, like all the mysteries of the donation of God to man, from that moment, has been brought about among the Father, the Son, the holy Spirit and with the collaboration of Mary. And Mary’s share in the mystery of the Incarnation is so important, that She becomes the Mother of God and universal Mother of mankind.

The Incarnation is the romance of love between God and man in the innermost being of Mary.

What a greatness my soul perceives today in the Virgin…! I have seen Her always very beautiful, very sublime, but never have I penetrated as today into Her greatness in relation to the Incarnation.

Due to this mystery I have understood that on earth there is no grace that has not been granted to Her in plenitude; because any grace, no matter how great it may be, will always be almost infinitely smaller than Her divine Motherhood, which makes Her take part ac­tively in the great mystery of the Incarnation.

What grace could there be –no matter how great it may be, always at an unimaginable distance from the gift of the divine Motherhood– that can be granted to a pure creature at any time of its existence, that has not been granted in plenitude during all Her life to the White Lady of the Incarnation, created and predestined to be the Mother of God, by the will of the Father who gave us His Only Begotten Son in the bosom of a Virgin –“and the virgin’s name was Mary”–; this being realized in the “full of grace” by the work of the Holy Spirit, in a romance of love of such high excellence, that He made Her burst into motherhood, and divine Motherhood…?

That is why, according to my poor and limited grasp, immersed in the divine thought in penetrating loving wisdom, all graces, fruits, gifts and charismas that have been granted to any saint at any time of his life, were granted to the Virgin, Immaculate by virtue of the anticipated merits of Christ, full of grace and Lady of the Incarnation, throughout Her whole journey, in the plenitude that the grace of Her divine Motherhood called for. Since, by Mary and through Her, God donated His Incarnate Son to us, through whom all graces have come to us.

Being the Virgin “Mother of the divine Grace”; something that in a song of praise in manifestation of Her sublime virtues, we the children of the Church are proclaiming, full of joy in the Holy Spirit, in the litanies of the Holy Rosary.

How much has increased to my spiritual gaze the plethoric and exuberant greatness of Mary, and how much has decreased the smallness of the thoughts of men when, they set themselves at odds with the Lady, they deny Her some grace that may have been given to Her as an overabundance of Her divine Motherhood…!

How happy I am for having penetrated today into the Virgin thusly, and because in Her and through Her I may go on to live and participate in the mystery of the Incarnation…!

How will the sinner be able to get into the discovery of the divine realities without a previous cleansing of his spirit…? How do the minds blinded by pride, and perhaps by lust, dare to set themselves at odds with God, at odds with Christ, at odds with Mary, at odds with the Church, in order to try to discover, in a cold and blinded study, the thought of the divine Wisdom, in the mystery of His life inwards and in the communication of this same mystery outwards by means of the Incarnation, where Mary appears with the great plenitude of Her Motherhood and where is contained the mystery of God giving Himself to man and the mystery of the Church, continuation and perpetuation of the Incarnation throughout all ages…?

How does the man, who is not penetrated by the light of the Holy Spirit and enlightened by His infinite thought, and without the loving wisdom of the Infinite Being, dare to get into the divine mysteries under the darkened light of his tiny understanding, full perhaps of human criteria…?

Oh greatness of Mary’s Motherhood, so unknown, and sometimes despised and outraged by the thought and the blindness of those who, without divine wisdom, dare to get into the Sancta Sanctorum where God dwells on earth, to glimpse, with the gloomy tiny match of their darkened understanding, the almost infinite splendour of the holiness, the plenitude, and the greatness of the Mother of God…!

Oh man, you who had, like the prophet Isaiah, to burn your lips with a kindled coal in order to pronounce the name of Mary, and who dare to get into the Sancta Sanctorum of the Incarnation, and attempt to discover the secret that it contains, approaching it perhaps with your soul darkened and dirty by the mud of so many sins…!

How great are the realities of the revelation…! And the more light wisdom instils into the soul, the more increases to this one’s perception the immensity and infinitude of the mystery of God and of His eternal designs… The divine light makes God Himself appear, to the mind who knows Him, infinitely transcendent, terribly marvellous, passionately appealing… And that same light opens up in the spirit unfathomable caverns in insatiable hungers of knowing more, in a savouring which is life, the Being in His infinite reality. And each new fullness makes arise in the very depths of the spirit a new capacity that makes one glimpse a greater greatness of the Infinite One, with a new increase of new wisdom to crave from Him more again and to know Him more anew.

In that same light the soul discovers the great mystery of the Incarnation, incomprehensible to the human mind and uncontainable by any creature, and through it and from the divine Motherhood of the Lady, the other mysteries. In it the soul surprises that God becomes Man and the Man becomes God. A mystery that seems to contradict the infinite reality itself, by the transcendent loftiness and the sublimeness that it contains in itself!

And, O surprise! when the soul finds Mary put into the great mystery of the Incarnation, as a integral part of the same… O surprise! when in that mystery it discovers that all the wisdom that man can receive, the plenitude of life, the possession of God, the greatness of the priesthood, the terribility of the mystery of the Church… all that was realized and was given to us in Mary and with Her collaboration through Her divine Motherhood…

The mind seems to break at the plenitude of the mystery that it contemplates, at the greatness of the Lady in the Incarnation, at Her collaboration in the eternal designs, at the active participation of Her Motherhood in the whole donation of God to man by and in the mystery of the Incarnation…!

With tremor and fear, but full of trust and filial love under the protecting shelter of Her divine Motherhood, from today on […], I will always look up to Mary, due to the greatness that I have contemplated in the mystery of the Incarnation that in Her is contained and Her participation in it. With fear of getting closer to Her whiteness and being capable of clouding Her greatness with my blindness; and with love and trust, because God gave Her to me as Mother, so that, putting myself into Her bosom, the secrets of the Father which in Her are communicated to us would be unveiled to us…

I have learned today that everything that is given to me in the Church’s bosom, that everything that has been given to me, that everything that will be given to me, has been through Mary, for which I, perhaps unconsciously, have not known how to appreciate nor how to return. But today, in the light and love of Her closeness, I have seen that there is nothing either in Heaven or on earth that is passed on to us outside the divine Motherhood of the Virgin, Mother, Queen and all White Lady of the Incarnation. The Church Herself is the gift that Christ gave to us through Mary and in Her bosom; and whereas the Church is the prolongation and perpetuation of the mystery of Christ in His Incarnation, life, death and resurrection, She is also the perpetuation and prolongation of the mystery of Mary’s Motherhood.

[…] And because of this truth my joyful soul rests in the savouring and closeness of the presence of the Lady of the Incarnation, on this day of grace, of light and of love, that God has granted to me, as a new prelude on my journey towards Him.

Lord, shed light on my understanding, so that my soul may be able to enter, without defiling it, into the secret of Your intimate life and of Your Incarnation, put in the bosom of Mary, whence are perceived, are glimpsed and are unveiled, as though from a watchtower, the infinite mysteries of Your life in Your familial communication and in Your donation to men.

Thanks, Lord, for having given me today the possibility of knowing Your mysteries introduced into the bosom of the Lady of the Incarnation, all Virgin, all Mother, all Queen and all Lady!

Mother Trinidad de la Santa Madre Iglesia

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