Writings of Mother Trinidad de la Santa Madre Iglesia
In this section the published writings of Mother Trinidad de la Santa Madre Iglesia are available free of charge to anyone who whises to take advantage of their spiritual wealth.
Light in the night.The mystery of faith
CollectionMother Trinidad and her Work of the Church
Presentation bookPresentation book
Biographical narration about the foundress and her Work of the Church. Included are some of her own words that gradually illustrate some of the main events that occurred in her life and her personal experiences.
Offprint“Year For Consecrated Life”
Two themesTwo themes
“Consecrated soul, live out your vocation” “Fit yourself into the creation of your soul”
Offprint “Year Of Mercy”
Two themesBooklet
“Our God close to us”
Offprint of the book “Fruits of prayer”NOTE:
I strongly advise that all that I express by means of my writings, for believing it God’s will and for fidelity in all that the very same God has entrusted to me; when in the translation into other languages it is not understood well or a clarification is desired, recourse be had to the authenticity of what I have dictated in the Spanish text; since I have seen that some expressions in the translations are not the most proper to express my thought.
The authoress:
Trinidad de la Santa Madre Iglesia