Bienvenido sea el Hombre

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 With the consummation of fallen man’s restoration by means of the bloody immolation of the Divine Redeemer, majestic manifestation of the excellence of the Infinite Power in an excess of His eternal love for the glory of His Name and the salvation of souls; the Redemption by the Messiah Promised to the holy Patriarchs and announced by the Prophets of the Old Testament culminated, as the Immaculate Lamb who was immolated to take away the sins of the world; after which came the resurrection and the life by the triumph of the risen Christ:

“Behold, we are going up to Jerusalem and everything written by the prophets about the Son of Man will be fulfilled. He will be handed over to the Gentiles and He will be mocked and insulted and spat upon; and after they have scourged Him they will kill Him, but on the third day He will rise.”

And while “the veil of the sanctuary was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth quaked, rocks were split, tombs were opened, and the bodies of many saints who had fallen asleep were raised. And coming forth from their tombs after His resurrection, they entered the Holy City and appeared to many.

The centurion and the men with him who were keeping watch over Jesus feared greatly when they saw the earthquake and all that was happening, and they said, ‘Truly, This was the Son of God!’ ”;

While “Jesus giving a loud voice, said: ‘all is fulfilled.’ And bowing His head, He handed over the spirit”

the triumphant and glorious soul of the Divine Crucified, soars up into the sky in a triumph of sovereign majesty, and freeing the holy Fathers who were waiting for His holy coming and takes them behind Him, He arrives in the wide thresholds of Eternity opening them with the fruit of His glorious Redemption as “King of kings and Lord of lords,” coming into Glory; and with Him the wedding party of a crowd of captives, after whom the rest of men will enter. “Therefore, it says: ‘He ascended on high and took prisoners captive; He gave gifts to men.’ What does ‘He ascended’ mean except that He also descended into the lower (regions) of the earth? The one who descended is also the one who ascended far above all the Heavens, that He might fill all things.”

What a great day! The soul of men’s Firstborn has already come into Heaven.

What an awe-inspiring feast day…! What a peaceful celebration! What a great and unalterable peace!

What a Saturday of such glorious triumph! in which the soul of God’s Only Begotten Son, who at the same time is the Son of Man, opens by the fruit of His Redemption the sumptuous Gates of Eternity, closed since the earthly Paradise by the sin in rebellion of our First Parents; and the old floodgates are raised before the impetuous passing of irresistible power of the soul of God’s immolated Only Begotten Son, in triumph of glory.

While a jubilant hymn of praise resounds throughout the whole Heaven and to the outermost parts of the earth:


“Lift up your heads, O gates;

     rise up, you ancient portals,

     that the King of glory may enter.

Who is this King of glory?

     The Lord, a mighty warrior,

     the Lord, mighty in battle.

Lift up your heads, O gates;

     rise up, you ancient portals

     that the King of glory may enter.

Who is this King of glory?

     The Lord of hosts

     is the King of glory”;

Yahweh’s Anointed, before whom the Angels of God adoring, full of expectation in glorious jubilation, contemplated the soul of Christ who, triumphant, opened the Father’s Bosom by the fruit of His Redemption with His five wounds; bringing behind Himself to the eternal jubilation the glorious and triumphant court of the ancient Fathers: Abraham, Isaac and Jacob with the holy Prophets, with Christ’s race brethren of the People of Israel, chosen Firstborn to be repositories of the promises of God to man, and with the legion of captives rescued by the price of His Blood and who awaited His holy coming.

Being heard in the heights of the wide limits of Eternity as though a hymn of triumph:

Welcome be the Man who with His five wounds has opened the Father’s Bosom!

All the promises of the Old Covenant of God and mankind have now been fulfilled, being Christ the fulfilled and finished Promise in glorious and definitive triumph of glory conquest, who enters into Eternity winner over sin and victorious over death.

Whereas my soul, being introduced by God into that bridal chamber accompanied by the Angels and in astonishment, overwhelmed by ineffable and indescribable surprise, and becoming delirious with love and joy; contemplated –permeated by the loving wisdom of the Infinite Being and transcended and raised by the powerful hand of His coeternal sovereignty full of power and majesty, so that somehow I might be able to manifest it although under the limitation of my poorness and the lowness of my nothingness–; the greatest, triumphant and surprising spectacle ever capable of being performed at the triumph of the soul of the Man entering into His eternal realm, as the Only Begotten Son of God Himself, in the glory of Eternity.

That is why today under the impulse of the Almighty and by the power of His grace, that, in the way that He alone knows, introduces me into His mysteries so that I may manifest them; I express a little –only of what is possible for me under the spiritual modesty of my soul-Church and as the Echo of this Holy Mother before going away with Christ to Eternity– of all that my soul lived and contemplated on the 28th of March of 1959, immersed in the mystery of the entrance of Christ’s soul into Glory, and sheltered in the Virgin’s lap under the protection of Her divine Motherhood, become one thing with Her, and overcome by the light of the contemplation of Mary.

Who transcended, in swift passing, as Queen and Lady, penetrated, surpassed by love, joy and adoration, into the mystery of the entrance of Christ’s soul, Her Son, into Eternity.

Today has been transcribed a little of what –immersed in mystery– God made me live that day in profound veneration of loving contemplation in sapiential wisdom of reverent and deep adoration.

“Oh Mary…! She, at the moment when Jesus ascended to the Father, united to Her Son’s soul, partook in such overabundant and extolled manner, translimited by the joy of the Holy Spirit, of the happiness, glory and most blissful joy of the soul of God’s Only Begotten Son and Her Son entering into Eternity.

And despite Mary being in exile, Her soul, transcended and translimited, was with Her Son’s; the reason why the Virgin did not need to go down to the tomb… […]. Since before to anyone, on the day of the resurrection the Lord appeared to Her.

Because Jesus introduced Her Most Holy Mother in such a way into the mysteries of His life, death and resurrection, that, before they were unveiled to anyone, She lived them in loving contemplation of joy or sorrow in the participating union of the mystery of the Only Begotten Son of God and Her Son.

That is why Mary, with the death of Jesus, rested, on account of the fulfilled will of the Father and the glorification of Her Son and of Her God.

Mary was contemplating the entrance of the Son of God and Her Son into Heaven, while She dwelled on earth, as Mother of the Church, with the Apostles.

Today Heaven is on holiday, because Jesus has entered into it and the glorious Church has begun; but the earth is in mourning because men have killed the Son of God, the Messiah Promised and announced by the holy Prophets, and the Apostles did not know the joy that He had, whereas Mary contemplated it full of ineffable joy, overwhelmed by the love of the Holy Spirit. And for that reason She rejoiced with Jesus and suffered with the Apostles; She rejoiced, as Mother of the Church, with the glorious Church, and suffered with the sorrowful and distressed Church.

How great and unknown is Mary in relation to the eternal designs of God upon Her…!”

“[…] Oh, what a great day…! What a great celebration…! […]

The soul of Jesus starts running…, running…

What a court…! What a retinue Christ has behind…! [… ] What a court…! Like a bride­groom the day of His wedding…! It is the Church triumphant…! the New and Heavenly Jerusalem, restored by the Blood of the Lamb.

Sabado Santo

What an endless retinue…! What canticles of glory…! What a joy…! What a joy…!

The veil of the temple was torn down because the Father’s Bosom was opened!

The soul of Christ, in the Father’s Bosom, as Word and as Man, rejoicing…! His body rests in the tomb…

The old law was broken when the veil of the temple was torn down the middle…! Christ has perfected the law when He burst out on the cross… ‘All is fulfilled!’

The triumphant Church now sets out singing the New Covenant through Jesus…! The Gates of Eternity were opened with the wounds of the Lamb…! The bronze bolts were broken with the triumph of the Word Incarnate…! God and Man embraced each other in Christ in the invincible and definitive triumph of Eternity!

‘Glory to God in the highest…!’ Christ Man enters into Glory followed by a retinue… But what a retinue does Christ have behind Him, so triumphant and so glorious…!

What a great day…! How composed the Church is and how happy entering with Jesus into Heaven…! And I so tiny, terrified and trembling, I am contemplating it for being Church, under the protection of Mary’s Motherhood…!

What a court Christ takes with Him…! It is the Church triumphant, the Heavenly Jerusalem, watered and bathed with the Blood of the Lamb, who today begins Her glorious triumph in company of God’s Angels. Today Christ enters followed by the court of all the ancient Fathers.

‘Glory to God in the highest!’ the Angels sing. All prostrate themselves before the Man…! All prostrate themselves before the Man-God who enters triumphantly into Heaven.

‘Glory to God in the highest…’ Glory to God! Glory to God for the Man…!

The Man is now in the Father’s Bosom rejoicing in God’s glory, as God and as Man…

Welcome be the Man to the Father’s Bosom…!; the Man who opened with His five wounds the Father’s Bosom by the shedding of His Divine Blood, as Immaculate Lamb, on the altar of the cross.

‘If He gives His life as an offering for sin, He shall see His descendants in a long life, and the will of the LORD shall be accomplished through Him. Because of His affliction He shall see the light in fullness of days. Through His suffering, My servant shall justify many, and their guilt He shall bear. Therefore I will give Him His portion among the great, and He shall divide the spoils with the mighty.’

Oh! The Man far superior to the Angel…!

Oh…! The Angels adore the Man-God! And all are aflame with love, prostrate in adoration, burned of love before the wounded Man-God, who has been scoffed at…! […] All adore the Man-God who, by the shedding of His Blood, rescued fallen man, raising us, as First-born of mankind, to the dignity of being children of God in the Son and coheirs with Him and by Him of His same glory…! […]

But what a great happiness in Heaven…!

The Man-God enters joyful into the Father’s Bosom with His five wounds opened to pour through them graces to men.

Mary still remains in the world, contemplating…

What a joy! I contemplate with Mary the glory of Jesus.

How blissful Jesus in the Father’s Bosom…! Glory to God…! What a joy! […]

What a silence there is in Heaven and what a celebration…! It is an ineffable silence.

What a canticle of silent jubilation…!

All Heaven ecstatic, adoring before the wounded God…!

The Man has given God all the infinite glory of atonement that He deserves, and leaves His side open, a spring of living water that wells up from the Father’s Bosom through Christ to men…

With Christ the triumphant Church begins… Daughter of Jerusalem, advances glorious as Bride of the Immaculate Lamb, so that there will be no one to stand in Your way and cut off Your Queenly passing.

The first is the triumphant Church…! What a joy…! What a joy…!

Glory to God in Heaven…! The Father’s Bosom is now open to all the children of good will…! Never more shall it be closed…! Christ has opened it… and He is waiting for all men… He opened it and placed Himself at the ‘gate’ with the arms outstretched, so that the sumptuous main Gates of Eternity may never be closed again…

[… ] How happy and jubilant is my soul on this day of glory…!

The Man singing to God the new canticle, the great canticle of love…!

Christ’s soul, perfect and finished, sings to God the new canticle, the great canticle that He alone can sing…

Man is now singing redeemed, and the Father looks upon men with love. Each man speaks to Him of His Christ and is grafted onto Him; and when embracing Christ in His bosom, He embraces all men.

Man has now a new and different tonality, and offers to the Father with Christ, through Him, and in Him, in infinite sacrifice, the Blood of the Immaculate Lamb…

Now the norms of the old law have been broken, the symbol of the Paschal Lamb…! Now Christ is the Immaculate Lamb who, in perennial offering, offers Himself to the Father for the sake of men.

The whole earth is singing in the Man-God! The whole earth is pink coloured…! It has a new and different tonality! […]

All creation is celebrating, Heaven and earth: Heaven, because the Son of Man entered into it; and the earth because it has now someone who may respond and glorify God in its behalf…

[…] Today everything is adoration… I am adoring and contemplating…

But how pretty the earth is…! What a song of jubilation the Man sings to God…! How triumphant…! How triumphantly the Father’s Bosom opens up so that men may enter…!

Oh, but What a silence…! The whole Heaven in silence… What a joy…! Oh, what a man is before God…! My God, what man is on account of Christ…!

Oh…! The Angels ministers of God, and men children of God…! The Angels adore the Man with the wings outstretched –without wings–, […] face on the ground… –without face–; stooping to the ground…–without ground–. In Heaven there is no ground…! They adore from the very depths of their astonishment the God Man who, by the kingliness of His infinite excellence, opens with His wounds the Father’s Bosom…

The Man enters into Heaven, and enters into it as Son of the King, not as minister; and each man is a son of God through Christ. And the Father receives with joy the Mass, because He receives His Christ, His Word…

Each Mass is the bloodless Sacrifice of Christ, of the Son of His delights… The Son of God become Man entered now into the Heaven and the Son of Man who is God…!

And how much gladness the Father’s face shows…! And how happy God is seeing His Word…! He cannot deny anything to man…! The Source of Life has been opened for men, the Springs of Divinity in torrential affluents of divine life that gushes out like a waterfall through Christ, by the Sacraments…!

What a day of so much glory…! How happy is the Father seeing in Heaven and on earth the much beloved Son in whom He has set all His delights…! All…! all His delights in the Man-Christ…!

All…! All…! There is no delight left for anybody…! All for the Word… And as the Word is Man, all His delights for all men who grafted onto Him, are the New People of God, sacred Assembly, ‘a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a People of His own, so that you may announce the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light,’ washed and rescued with the price of His shed Divine Blood, that takes away the sins of the world.

Man is superior to the Angel, because of Christ, for He is the beloved Son of the Father, and Christ does not become an angel, He becomes man; He does not become angel to redeem the angels who had also sinned.

And since the Word is Man, the Man has an infinite merit and that is why the Man-God makes man son of God and heir to His glory; except the rebellious man who does not want to avail himself of His Blood, of His merits nor of His Redemption; but that rebellious man, if he comes to the Source of Life, will have all the graces of the true children.

[…] Oh, what a joy…! I am contemplating full of amazement, astonishment and holy fear of God, transcended from all that is earthly […] when Jesus got into Heaven…! I am contemplating […] twenty centuries ago the soul of Jesus getting into Eternity…! I am contemplating the soul of Christ getting into Heaven on the Holy Saturday…; […] the moment when Christ’s soul rose! what Christ is…! what the Angels do when the Man gets into…, what man is to God; His is not a minister, He is the son and heir to His glory…

Man, through Christ, contemplates with the Father, sings with the Word and burns in love with the Holy Spirit…

That is the life of glory…! Children of God…! The Angels ministers… What a happiness…! The Man is God and the Angels adore the Man who opens the Father’s Bosom with His five wounds… […] Since the Man is the Word of the Father, Incarnate.

[…] What a silence…! But what a silence…! But what a silence…! God is by Himself the Immutable One in His jubilation of love and infinite and coeternal joy.

Oh… how Christ enters into Heaven…! Now Christ does enter into Heaven, so happy! And how happy and composed does the glorious Church enter with Christ…!:

‘All glorious is the King’s daughter as She enters, Her raiment threaded with gold; In embroidered apparel She is led to the King. The maids of Her train are presented to the King. They are led in with glad and joyous acclaim; they enter the palace of the King.

The throne of Your fathers Your sons will have; You shall make them princes through all the land.

I will make Your name renowned through all generations; thus nations shall praise You forever.’

[…] The tearing of the veil of the temple is the symbol that Jesus with His death opened the Father’s Bosom, opening the majestic and sumptuous Gates in eternal joy of glory’s triumph, tearing the Father’s Bosom that was closed… And with His death the old law was broken in order to begin the New Covenant, promised to our First Parents, to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, announced by the holy Prophets, where God will now live forever embracing man who lost Him by the original sin: ‘You shall be My People, and I will be your God.’

What a silence…! It is the silent joy of God…!

All Heaven is in silence, although it is celebrating on the glorious and triumphant day of the entrance of the soul of the First Man into the sumptuous mansions of Eternity.

‘O happy fault which gained for us so great a Redeemer!’ who is seated at the right hand of God before the joyful expectation of all the blessed who, in the company of the Angels, intone the hymn of praise that to God alone and to the Lamb can be sung:

‘I looked again and heard the voices of many Angels who surrounded the throne and the living creatures and the elders. They were countless in number, and they cried out in a loud voice:

‘Worthy is the Lamb that was slain to receive power and riches, wisdom and strength, honor and glory and blessing.’

Then I heard every creature in Heaven and on earth and under the earth and in the sea, everything in the universe, cry out: ‘To the one who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor, glory and might, forever and ever’.’ ”

Mother Trinidad de la Santa Madre Iglesia

An extract from the writing: “WELCOME BE MAN TO THE FATHER’S BOSOM!” (Collection “Light in the night -The mystery of faith given with loving wisdom” Booklet n.11)

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